Monday, October 21, 2024

The earliest amulet in fish form made from a big bird nail, which excavated in Du Sang rock-shelter (Kim Boi, Hoa Binh, Vietnam) in ca. 18.000 years ago


Ethnobotanic Study 2005 in a Muong hamlet (Kim Boi, Hoa Binh)


A ramie cloth fragment excavated from a Dongsonian dugout log coffin in Chau Can burial field (Ha Tay, Vietnam)


The first pebble tool with a narrow and curved polished edge. The tool is collected in the rock-shelter Du Sang (Hoa Binh, Vietnam)


Muong megalith tomb in 17th - 18th century (Kim Boi, Hoa Binh) > Projects >

Project 2: Further Studies on Hoabinhian [8/10/2008]


Project 2
Further Studies on Hoabinhian
(1999 – 2009)
Manager : Dr. Nguyen Viet
Funding : Pham Huy Thong foundation
Local research station : 2nd CESEAP station in hamlet Dong Ngoai, commune Vinh Tien, Dist. Kim Boi, prov. Hoabinh.
Goals : The Hoabinhian studies until 1999 are through two main periods : first is Colani’s studies and second one is after 2nd World War began with Dunn, Mathew, Glover, Sorensen, Gorman’s excavations in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand as well as series of excavations made by Vietnamese under supporting of Russian archaeologist Boriscopski in 50th, 60th years. The excavations made by Thai archaeologist Surin Pokajorn (Bankao areas) as well many Viet archaeologists in 80th, 90th years closed this period. The international conference after 60 years research of Hoabinhian held in Hanoi 1992 collected research results of this second period. “Further Studies on the Hoabinhian” is one of the starting projects, which are proposed by opening ceremony of the Centre for SEA Prehistory, Vietnam. The project will focus on the studying the homeland of Vietnamese Hoabinhian, where basing on the basal stone massif Kim Boi (province Hoa Binh). This massif is recognized as main stone resources for earliest Hoabinhian occupations (ca 18.000 BP) in the valleys rounding massif foot terrace. New research trends will be developed for the project, of which the most important is using archaeological micro studies to look for new material systems as food remains, micro human stone remains, natural and human environment outside of the cave deposition…
Acting schedule :
1999 – 2001 : surveys in valleys rounding the massif and in the massif.
2002 - 2005 : excavations and re-excavation in sites of Xom Trai and Du Sang
2006 – 2008 : magazine and laboratory working, documenting, reporting.
2009 : conference and publication
Calling co-operations :
- Surveys, dating (14C and AMS), vegetable and animal remains identifications, isotope, phitolith and starch analyses, archaeoethnobotanic studies, environmental studies, palaeoeconomy, mineral nutrition, nat. and internat. colloquiums-seminars-conferences. 




[12/16/2019] Further Studies on Hoabinhian - 2019

[12/9/2019] PEG Treatment in Conservation of Ancient Dongsonian Wood Dugout Boats

[6/18/2012] Die Bronzefiguren von Negritos in archäologischer Funstelle von Dong-Son (Thanh Hoa, Vietnam) und in Sa Thay (Kon Tum, Vietnam) [2012.06.17] gefunden

[8/5/2008] Project 1: Ancient Textile in Vietnam

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